
Freelance ICT, Domotica, Electricien, Battery Specialist

Wim Stockman

		(degree  Bachelor in Computer Science Cum Laude
		(degree  Electrician
		(adresse  Ninove, Belgium
		(tel     +32 456/21.70.51
		(born    April 2, 1981

Feel Free To contact me for any kind of ICT or Electrical Issue.

Latest Thinkerwim Projects :

		Migrating a mailserver from US to Amsterdam
			Switching over from Ubuntu -> Linux Arch , PostFix -> OpenSmtpd

		Creating a Display Screen Content Management System for Movie Theather

		Setting up an OpenBSD server

		Setting up Gemini Servers

		Setting up Gopher Servers

		Automatic NewsLetter Generator with Mariadb and Gnu Tools

		Automatic Stock Analyser Created with Mariadb and Gnu Tools

		Fixing the electrical board of a Whirlpool

		Fixing a leaking washing machine

		Fixing Remote Garage Door Opener



		As a 4 year old child discovererd the wonderfull world of the Commodore 64.
		from then passionate about ICT.
		Since 20 years using Linux as a daily driver at work and at home.
		Used almost any Gnu Linux Distro than ever existed.
		Love the small web (gopher, gemini) and the suckless-, Unix philosophy
		VIM is my favourit Text Editor
		I have a weakness for mechanical keyboards and memorable keyboards

		Owner of Electro Europe Spare Parts nv 
		Specialised company in batteries wholesale and detail.
		- Graduated Cum Laude as Bachelor in Computer Science
		- Started a succesfull Copy Center, sold the company after 10 years
		- Continued working in the battery business for almost 30 years now